Saturday 19 September 2009

learning to ride

Golly. Time flies when you are having fun and this week have been having too much fun and 'me time' and not enough of the daily grind. Feel very guilty.

Its always the same, when the children go back to school in September, I open my diary and seeing a wonderful month ahead, with very empty pages I breathe a sigh of relief that after seven weeks of fun and frolics (totally ignoring the dust bunnies collecting all over the house) I can get everything ship shape again.
The bathroom will be cleaned every week (properly)
The kitchen floor will be mopped every week
The house will be dusted every week (including the dresser)
The oven will be cleaned every week, NO only joking, every month
The beds will be changed every week
. . . . you get the idea

In fact September for me is worse than New Year for resolutions and just the same for feeling guilty when they slip.
I did a wonderful job the week they went back. I cleared out all the cupboards in our bedroom and felt very virtuous and free spirited. I love knowing I have managed to clear out some of the clutter because it is oh so hard for me to do this. I can tackle the world I thought (or at least the house), I even began to think that I could conquer the loft. But wait, I was setting myself up for a fall.

The following two weeks ensued and everything came crashing down. I was unwell for a while and ooops, got a bit used to 'looking after myself'. Lunch and treasure seeking trips with favourite friend, breakfast out with the girls, too many trips to new knitting shop and too much money spent on yarn for new projects (have finally found a pattern for a beautiful round crochet cushion from Rooster yarns!).

My diary is suddenly full and I really do get into a panic when I can't see a clear day ahead. I generally like to think I am an organised person but actually do find it rather easy to 'overlook' the boring things and then am exceptionally good at beating myself up about it.

So, here's to a new week. Here's to getting everything shipshape, to trying again. Here's to relaxing and enjoying and most of all to not feeling guilty.

On the side lines would love to share with you some things that make my heart sing (I know that sounds really yucky but it is true).

A white duvet cover and vintage crochet blanket (made by my mum) on daughters bed

A new tatted pillowcase found for pound in charity shop for daughters bed

My completed wristwarmers (good job you can't see the making up)

Papa Johns for tea. No washing up. Yippee!

1 comment:

  1. hello, love the blog maddie, give yourself a bit of self love, love maddie!
