Wednesday 1 February 2012


Life is very very hard at the moment. I hate to admit it, it being 2012, my year! But, not only are we facing our main, only wage earner being out of a job end of march, we have a very very unhappy baby at night. And I am at the very end of my tether. I just don't know what to do. Is there some underlying problem as to why she won't sleep or is it that I am just a really bad mummy? Babies can't tell you what's wrong, and no matter what books/people say Im not tuned into what she's trying to tell me. It is utterly soul destroying and I can feel myself getting more and more down. Believe me it takes quite a lot nowadays to bring me down, fighting cancer last year I'm surprised how mere lack of sleep is affecting me.


  1. I havent slept for 9 months!c goes down at 7 wakes at 8 again at midnight/1 and then at 3 again at 4 then up at 7.The health visitor says just leave her to cry.Easier said than done!

    1. It's so so hard. You feel like no one understands. Leaving them to cry is the very last option but after 11 months think I am there now. Maybe! Let me know how it goes for you, if it gets any better. Chin up xx

  2. I will do.She was up 5 times last night i just feel like crying :(
