Tuesday 3 November 2009

half term holidays


Yes, it has been a long time but, judging myself on past attempts at writing a diary, entries are few and far between and for this, I apologise.
Before I embark on tales of half term I would like to admit to a few recent parenting mishaps.

Firstly, that darn tooth fairy forgot to leave money this week. Oh dear. I then compounded the problem by enlightening child with the knowledge that 'the tooth fairy doesn't collect dirty teeth' - oh what a shameful lie, yes I feel truly awful and NO actually my childrens teeth are not dirty. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. Where is the nearest rock?

Secondly, after cutting up 'Mr Pumpkin' for the compost I then forgot to get rid of the evidence before they came home from school. It really does not bear thinking about again.

Do you want to see it? It took me quite a while too.

Shameful really. Anyway.
Last week, as you may or may not know was half term.
I was really looking forward to it because the children so needed a break and I was missing them, wanted to spend some time with them. When they are at school I don't see them all day obviously, but also we only have Wednesday night free from activities so I barely see them in the evenings either. And I miss them.
This holiday though I also had the added benefit of having my brother and sister in law to stay. Everyone was very excited and had been looking forward to this holiday for AGES.
To cut a long story short, we borrowed the 'fun bus' (as I named it - actually father in laws people carrier) and travelled to bonny Scotland. We had a lovely time, a tiring time (lots of long walks up hills) but most of all it was great to have two other adults for the children to spend time with - other role models (being far away from my family I really value this). It was particularly lovely to see how my son relates to my brother and how much joy it brings to both of them. They have similar interests I think!
Of course the other little plus point was that brother has GOOD camera and TA DA! I have a new blog header featuring my favorite place in the world.
Wanlockhead that is.
Bye for now!

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