Tuesday 20 April 2010

two boys

Yesterday was a day of housework. Two and a half weeks off school does not add up to a pretty house, as I'm sure you know!

Today was, quite unexpectedly, a day for me.

Had my hair done, managed a couple of charity shops and spent the afternoon with friend chatting. Yes, I know it sounds really 'lady of leisure' but I felt like I deserved it after my terrible weekend.

Of course I have managed to do a few mummy chores, the weekly shop, the final wash of the sicky sleeping bag, the swimming lessons - hey, it's never ending.

In Tesco's I bought a pair of short jogging bottoms. Am sure that there is a name for them but am getting quite out of touch with the fashion world these days. They are gathered under the knee. And I promise you they will only be worn at home (they are very comfy - fit lovely) - if I can't give them their proper name I am obviously too old to wear them outdoors!

Back home I tried them on. They are nude coloured. Truly. My legs are the same colour as them. Very unflattering. Cue Johnson's Holiday Skin, the first outing this year and it seems such a waste. For goodness sake it was snowing yesterday but who knows? Maybe tomorrow it will be cracking the flags.


ps. I am over 1000 hits! Ok, I know that 500 are probably me but hey, it's a milestone anyway.
Thank you if you read me! Comment!