Tuesday 2 March 2010


Spring is finally here, and I think I can feel it.

I have the beginnings of that funny feeling that I have only recently noticed I get every year around this time, and I can't quite explain what I mean.

It all started on Saturday morning when I had absolutely every intention of having a lie in but actually got up at 7.30 and was in town buying Mothers Day presents at 9. Odd. Come Sunday lunchtime we had already changed the living room into its 'Spring position' and cleared out the childrens wardrobes. Something is definitely in the air.

But that is all quite normal, spring cleaning and the alike. No, my feeling is rather different and sends me a bit mad. It's almost like I can't cope with Spring (as lovely as it is) and need to get to Summer. Maybe being a Winter baby has something to do with it?

Anyhow, enough of my rambling.

Life trundles on and I wonder what I can tell you about. Life is pretty mundane at the moment and I was thinking only this morning how lucky I am to have a craft. You know, what would I do without knitting?

When I have a rare few spare minutes what would I do? What did I used to do? Knitting (and crochet and sewing) keeps me going, it is a massive part of my life and without being too dramatic I 'am so glad I found you knitting'.

However, getting back to the 'what can I tell you' bit, and feeling very lacking in the inspiration department, here's a few bits;

the only pegs I will use are wooden pegs
I absolutely love Enya
Mildred is doing fine
I bought a Lloyd Loom chest for £5
I've not yet finished my variegated cardi, but I'm cracking on with it
or my shruggy thing
or my Granny square blanket
I'm trying to be restrained by not starting a cable scarf I want to knit
I'm starting to understand that blogging needs to be done in the day, 'cos this is going nowhere.

Happy Spring everybody, stay with me, it's only a passing phase, I'll be back to my normal self soon I hope!


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